

Reefing newb
How long should I leave the aquarium lights on per day? I think that my timer is set for 5 hours for now.
I keep mine on for 12. Most people run them for 8 to 12 hours. You are trying to mimic natural conditions, 5 hours does not approximate a natural day.
my 7100K are on for 14 hours and my 10K are on for 11 hours. Go ahead and increase the amount of time. More fun to look at that way.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I normally go with 12 hours but seeing I'm trying to get rid og my red algea it's lights out for a few days.
12 for actnics on nano and t5's on 29 gallon, and 50/50 pc on 125 gallon, but all daylights on all3 tanks only5 hours, do to high temps in summer and electric bill increase in summer.
piggy if you got red slime algae problems increase flow in tank and blow stuff off every so often with turkey baster.
It can depend on what you have in your tank. Fish only, or Reef and Fish? Also, how long has your tank been setup?

My tank is still young and the only live stock I have are a few clowns. Right now I only keep my lights on for 5 hours a day to control the algae common with a young tank.