Lightning Bolt's 55g

Here are some pics:



Those are the Polyps/Zoa's that don't wanna open, I have a lot of those and none of them are open, maybe its because of the low calcium or the high salinity or even both...
Zoas won't react to low calcium like that. They don't need high calcium levels. It could be the salinity or nitrates, or you could have a pest in the tank.
Looking at the difference between that anemone and your zoas,I'm betting that you have something eattin on em.
Could it be that the lights aren't strong enough and they're sitting on the sandbed? Also, could the sand be irritating them enough so they won't open? Just grasping at straws.
I thought that :/ so maybe they're not opening at all... it's just a matter of time, lets sit down and wait

No, if something's eating them you can remove the zoas and do a freshwater or iodine dip to get rid of the pests. That is of course, assuming it's not your other livestock that's eating them.
Could it be that the lights aren't strong enough and they're sitting on the sandbed? Also, could the sand be irritating them enough so they won't open? Just grasping at straws.

I thought about lights, as these lights are 3 day old so i might give them a week or two. Biff how do i do that freshwater dip? i've been reading about it but i dont seem to understand it. can u explain it to me a little bit?
You take a bowl of decholorinated tap water, and get it to the same temperature and pH as your tank water (using a pH balancer and a heater). Then take each zoa rock, dip it in the freshwater, and swish it around for about 20 to 30 seconds. If there are any zoa-eating pests on the corals, they should drop off.
Did you see anything come off in the water? Any bug-like things? I'd say wait a couple days and see if the zoas you dipped start to improve and open up.
no bugs, the only thing i think i saw was something kind of a small ant, but i thinks it was just me XD i'll give a couple of days, if they open I'll do this to every zoa :D Thanks Biff!
Got home from LFS. They told me the calcium lvl was around 420-450 so i didnt bought calcium as i dont have the calcium reader. Also bought some algae sheets and my Yellow Tang has been eating since i put it in :) good signs :D
420 to 450 is pretty high -- that's perfect. If they told you that you need to buy calcium supplements when your levels are that high, they are just trying to make money off of something you don't need.