Lights at night for corals?

Don't run your "normal" lights all the time. Your lights should mimick the natural sun pattern as closely as possible. I personally turn my blues on at noon, my whites on at 2 (with the blues), my whites back off at 7-8, and my blues off at 9-10, and the moons come on at that time. I don't have a programmed lighting system and I don't work so this works for me, but it's recommended that you don't leave your lights on for more than 10 hours. Let's see what everyone else has to add :)
Prototype is correct. The sun doesn't shine 24 hours a day. It's very unhealthy to run your lights 24/7, and it's not natural at all. Everything needs to rest. Try to mimic nature with your lighting -- most people run their lights 8 to 12 hours.
yea get a timer if your light system doesnt have one..So then you can set it to turn on whenever and turn off whenever.