Long Spined urchin sting


Reefing newb
Hey all,
Ok so my sis has a marine tank also, she recently added a long Spined black urchin to her tank that contains a tilefish, foxface and a flying gurnard.

Now all the fish have always got along and since the urchin went in a couple weeks ago there has been no trouble except every once in a while the tilefish decides he wants to pick at the urchin.

Lastnight the gurnard just seemed to glide to close to the urchin... It stuck her with a spike and she was convulsing etc shortly after. She died.

So is there any way to save fish if this happens or should the urchin go?
We can't find any info online.

They are venomous. I've never been pricked myself, but people that have compare it to a bee sting. And like a bee sting, it's really only bad if you have a sensitivity or allergy to the venom.

I do not believe there's anything you can do for the fish if it has been pricked by the urchin. And I'm really surprised a fish actually got close enough to get stabbed by it! Normally they get along just fine with fish -- the fish instinctively know to stay away.

If you want to get a different urchin, the tuxedo/halloween urchins are not venomous. I don't believe the short spine urchins are either.
+1 Biff
I have stepped on one and grabbed one too, they hurt, but its not something to worry about.
If you do touch it, try and remove the spine with tweezers, and soak it in some vinegar.
Thanks guys.
I think the urchin may be going back to the lfs today, but I'll say it to her that a short Spined might be a good option!