Looking for fish that meet these requirements.


Mr. Paranoid
Suitable for 33 gal.
Cool looking
Social (not too shy)
Compatible with clowns
Non- aggressive

Obviously....reef safe. What fits the bill?
Maybe a 6 line wrasse. I know they're reef safe. they look cool, I'll leave it to thers to describe their personalities.

I have a 6 line, I call it the sexy fish, very cool looking. I heard they can be difficult but mine is easy going. Swims in and out of the rocks all day.
i have a six line as well. he and my clown are buddies. they follow each other around the tank. inseparable. great personality as well. i havnt had any problems with jumping to aggression.
+1 Seabee and rcchanlder. I also have a 6line and it's awesome. Never once did I see him try to jump out of the tank. He loves to swing throught the rocks and hunt pods. Make sure that the LFS feeds it before you buy. Sometimes they can be hard to get to eat frozen food.
i have an egg crate on my tank. but the wrasse never even really comes to the top. unless he is eating. and then i think it swims up so fast it pops out of the water. i can hear it eating. sounds like someone slapping the top of the water
depends on the size of the wrasse... I had a canary wrasse which was about 2" long, and he managed to find a hole through the egg crate at just the right angle to end up carpet surfing. Wrasses are big jumpers. I think wrapping the egg crate in non-metallic screen material would help.

as for other fish suggestions... catalina gobies are cute. Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Catalina Goby

high fin red banded gobies also neat, and they can pair up with a pistol shrimp, which is one of the most interesting relationships we can observe in our tanks IMO. Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Hi Fin Red Banded Goby

If you want rarer (and more expensive!) helfrichi firefish are neat. you can even get 2 of em. Purple or red fire fish are also cool, but more common.
I was going to suggest fire fish but mine never come out except to feed. I have Maroon clowns and the male keeps chasing them into their cave. If you get 4 or 5 they stay out more, mine keep disappearing, down to 2. When in a group they would shoal when the lights were on, very cool to watch. 4 may overload your tank,
not sure
+1 SeaBee and others. Mine very friendly, swims all around the tank, is not tempted to jump, as far as I have seen. And he/she is soo preeeeeety.
There are some smaller fairy and flasher wrasses that are somewhat rarer.From time to time the Diver's Den seems to have species I've never heard of.Don't forget they are jumpers but very active and non-aggressive to other fish.

There are some Pseudochromis that I do see oftenin people's tanks.Springeri and Splendid comes to mine.They can be kinda aggressive though.

Jawfish are nice too.