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Reefing newb
How often should i change my charcoal and biobag? I have a Fluval Edge 6g and its kickin butt, great chemistry and thriving life. I am going to do a 20% water change and i was thinking of changing my charcoal and replacing my stock biobag to some coral life bioballs, the media has not been changed for 5 weeks.
You should actually change carbon weekly, because it quickly loses its ability to absorb stuff. And try and change the bio bag at a different time than you change the media so you dont lose too much bacteria at once. Be sure to clean a portion of your bioballs weekly so they dont become a nitrate factory.
Activated Carbon In Aquarium | Aquariums Life
How much should I use, and for how long?
Because every aquarium is different and the quality of the activated carbon is different from a brand to an other, it is almost impossible to recommend a specific amount of activated carbon.
Some activated carbon products give recommendations while others give no indication at all. For ongoing maintenance, I use 1 cup of activated carbon per 50 gallons and change it monthly. When I use a high grade activated carbons such as Tri Base Pelletized Carbon, I use half a cup per 50 gallons and change it every 3 months. Independent research has shown that “more is better” when using activated carbon. Greater quantity of carbon will work faster and longer than a lesser amount.
For Activated Carbon to work effectively, you should filter the water mechanically before it reaches the carbon.
It depends on many factors, including the quality of carbon used and the amount of DOC's (Dissolved Organic Carbon) present in the system.
Here is a very complex and scientific study done by Ken Feldman from Penn State Univ.
Feature Article: Granular Activated Carbon, Part 1: Modeling of Operational Parameters for Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal from Marine Aquaria — Advanced Aquarist's Online Magazine
Feature Article: Granular Activated Carbon, Part 2: Modeling of Operational Parameters for Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal from Marine Aquaria — Advanced Aquarist's Online Magazine
"How much GAC should I use?", and "When should I replace my GAC?". The answers depend on three aquarist input quantities: the amount of DOC present, the amount of GAC used, and the tank water volume."

"a system with 150 gallons of total water volume that is adequately skimmed (or subjected to other effective nutrient removal, [DOC] ≤ 1 ppm) aquarist can conclude that a 100 gram charge of HC2, for example, should be replaced in approximately 29 days, whereas a 200 gram portion of HC2 would last approximately 52 days before it became saturated with DOC's."

" an aquarist running an unskimmed (i.e., [DOC] at approximately 7.5 ppm) 75 gallon tank...estimate that a 100 gm HC2 charge will become saturated with DOC's in approximately 4.8 days, and a 200 gm portion of HC2 would last about 9 days."

"Clearly, very nutrient rich tanks will require better means of DOC export than only GAC-based removal!"