MitchReef's Reef...well the current one at least....

Matty, I get them from Bryan (akabryanhall) who is local. Anthony, these are the same ones from Reef2Reef. There was one successful clutch and the breeding pair was sold to one of the big clownfish specialty groups. There is virtually no information as to their final size, disposition and breeding success. These are the only clutch known to exist anywhere. The most amazing thing about the MaiTai Clowns is that the mother was a big nasty aggressive Maroon Clown and the male was a little placid Ocellaris. The big deal here was the Maroon female not destroying the Ocellaris male.
Actually I had the unusual nature of the breeding pair wrong...The Maroon is the Male and the Ocellaris is the female....She has to keep him in line and dominate so he doesn't get dominant and bigger, then the Maroon would certainly kill the other female....

Oh yeah....I have a second Mai Tai held just now and will pick him up soon....another little one :thumbsup:
It will not happen this week or probably even next week but as soon as the bookkeeper...I mean wife....says I can it will be here!
Not a matter of needing the's more a matter of making a reef on a very small budget...also helps keep me from doing poorly planned impulse moves, stocking too fast and getting things that I immediately have to turn around and get rid of....through the years in the hobby I have made a lot of mistakes by jumping at something I didn't research well and having a problem....kind of a double edged sword, sux waiting but it makes me do my due diligence....

That's part of why some people make me nuts with buying things for their reef then popping up a "what is this" thread......

And BTW, I put up with "the ol'ball and chain" and her financial management...after all, she let me do my build!!!
That would be a wicked cool build....I had my peninsula tank set up as a room divider....A friend some years ago built an 11' long 30" wide and 30" tall display with an additional foot for overflow and integrated wave box from plywood, glass, epoxy and silicone. It was a
effectively his entire living room wall....
I've always had a dream tank in a great room. Glass wall 2 stories with glass handrails from the kitchen looking down one side. And a curved tank, 10' tall and probbly 20' wide with a stone overhang and fireplace chute (loving room above and behind) going to the ceiling. All to house huge bass (large- and Falmouth) walleye and a huge blue cat...I took lots of CAD classes in highschool...
I guess I have been away too long, but now I'm back. Much has progressed with the system in the past month or so. The most outstanding change is that my daughter and I went to the WWC Black Friday Sale and she won a pair of Sustainable Aquatics Snowflake Clowns. Since I already have the Naked Clown / Hybrid MaiTai Clown pair in the display the new guys will have a little world of their own. I am in the process of adding the 10G frag tank to the system and should be running that loop at about 3 or so this afternoon! I will post some pictures of it when done!
Well, as is often the case the real world reared its ugly head and I didn't get the tank done today. I have all the plumbing parts that I need and the return line is already all cut and mocked up to glue. I have all the overflow piping cut but am short by one elbow. I will pick that up while out on the road tomorrow and should be pumping water to the frag / clown tank tomorrow afternoon!
Any news on a frag tank?

I was also wondering how you like them ReefBreeders. I'm strongly thinking of some when taxes come around here soon. It'll be mostly zoas and LPS, but I plan on a few SPS, if that more a difference.
Mitch, Isaw your first page that you have a pink sanddollar monti cap...what could I do to persuade you to ship a frag...? Obviously when it gets warmer...