Moving Xenia


Reefing newb
Hello all,
I am selling my tank and moving it this weekend. I was told by my LFS that I would have trouble moving my Xenia unless it kept it from being exposed to air. I do not plan on pulling the live rock out of the tank and leaving it on the floor. I am going to fill a trashcan 1/2 full of tank water and then move start moving liverock with Xenia to it. Am I going to kill it?
Hah!what?Xenias don't die when exposed to the air.I removed rocks with xenias on them out of one tank to another...they were fine and yours should be too.
Those suckers are HARDY. They'll be fine. I think they'd even be fine if you took some paper towels and soaked them in tank water and covered them with those.
I have used my silver tipped to clean the toilet and put it back in the tank with no problem. Don't worry about it

We moved the tank yesterday. Almost all of the Xenia has shrunk to about a quarter the size it was, and is hanging down moving with just the water flow.