My Daughter's 46g

I wouldn't do it,but hey its not me.Also lions are one of the most boring fish ever,if there not attacking food or tankmates,they almost look like they are in a coma...
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I think that is why they can grow to 7" and still be kept in a 30g, because they aren't active swimmers
MAN this is not going well... it looks like what I really need is a min. 225g tank. This whole thing started with wanting to buy a fish tank with a few fish for my daughter. I originally planned to just get a nano cube but the sales person said i could only have 3-4 fish max. they said the 46g would accommodate about 10. After this discussion it sound like i should get a "real" tank i.e at least 200g....
Sorry to say,but no way a 46 is holding 10 fish.You are now discovering what we all did when we got into salt,its way different than fresh ,also,go big first so you won't need to upgrade.I too started smaller(75),and i am now looking to upgrade again in a couple years..but you could still get my original ideas i had for your tank.
Lucky for you the actual tank is the cheapest part of this could scrap it all now and go big and sell that tank....or just understand its limitations and stock accordingly.

You could go 5 fish probably, maybe 6....that is enough room to have some very interesting fish. One of the things you will learn, like I did, is that fish in SW are more of an afterthought normally, the coral get the main attention. Go here and look at the tank size recommendations for fish you want to add.
Water test today was "perfect". Purchased a partial cleaning crew (5 Hermit crabs & 5 Banded Trochus Snails) Waiting for some shrimp... Also The conditions were good enough for our first fish:


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...well, I know you're eager, but it's frustrating if you're asking for advice and then spurning it. The cycle isn't complete in such a short amount of time. The water conditions may have looked better, because no bioload had yet to be introduced, and thus, no cycle occured yet. Clowns ar epretty hardy, so it very well may make it, but rushing through things is not going to end well for the tank.
...well, I know you're eager, but it's frustrating if you're asking for advice and then spurning it. The cycle isn't complete in such a short amount of time. The water conditions may have looked better, because no bioload had yet to be introduced, and thus, no cycle occured yet. Clowns ar epretty hardy, so it very well may make it, but rushing through things is not going to end well for the tank.
Yeah, i kinda agree here,but like said, a clown(which is a damsel in pj's) could/should survive.Only downside is,adding another one may end up in a battle rather than being a pair...I would wait a bit till the tank goes thru its cycle.Don't feel too bad though,people used to (and still do) use fish(mostly devil damsels:D) to cycle tanks all the time.Just keep an eye on things and keep us posted
I followed the advice/instructions given to me by the LFS after they tested the water. My initial intention was to purchase the cleaning crew only but since the "sales person" (who tested the water) also recommended a single fish as well... i went w/ it.
I don't blame you. I would've too. Cardinal fish are hardy and usually cycle okay. One thing I do now keep in mind that my LFS is always trying to sell me something. I'd like to think they have my best interests in mind...but I'm sure their main objective is staying in business. Just food for thought. your cardinal! I have two and they are a couple of my favorites for sure. Your daughter must be thrilled! Good luck!
Not trying to beat up on you Zen, hopefully the fish does ok. But the lfs is in the business of selling things - if you want a successful tank, going slow is key.
The tank is not ready for a fish imo. Think of it like putting you in a 120 degree oven for a month. I know I wouldn't like it. The cycle hasn't even really had a chance to start. I personally think Its mean to cycle a tank with a fish. In a week your ammonia, which is extremely toxic to fish, will skyrocketing and your little clown will be extremely stressed. Just my three cents.
I don't blame you. I would've too. Cardinal fish are hardy and usually cycle okay. One thing I do now keep in mind that my LFS is always trying to sell me something. I'd like to think they have my best interests in mind...but I'm sure their main objective is staying in business. Just food for thought. your cardinal! I have two and they are a couple of my favorites for sure. Your daughter must be thrilled! Good luck!

Oops. I meant to say clownfish...I guess cardinal fish were on my mind today. UGH.