My dog face puffer


Reefing newb
I have been reading were he needs to some hard shelled shrimp from time to time to keep his beak wore down. Whats a good source for him?
actually ....(this is unorthodox maybe to some people) but when i had my porcupine puffer i used to feed em frozen peas and carrots and it loved it , thats how i always kept his tooth down , peas are perfect cause hell be able to peel them , also you can try frozen silversides and krill, give em something to peel, also nassarious snails could get more expesive than a bag of krill or frozen veggies
I saw like 500 on ebay for 30 dollars. I figured that wasn't much money, they could help clean the tank, and give him something to munch on.
Beware buying snails off of Ebay, I've seen too many stories of people buying snails and getting a bag full of whelks (predators that look very similar to nassarius snails)!