My new Finnex has a Chip in the glass!


Living Reefs Supporter
Well I got this bad boy in today and to my disappointment, it has a nice chip in the corner, and it seems that the silicone is not finished correctly.

I know these are great tanks, and Finnex is a company that stands behind their product I have heard, so I am hoping for the best.

That's horrible. My biocube has a chip in the corner as well. Michael is working on a replacement, but so far he is having a hard time getting one. They want the defect tank back before sending another one. Now, let me think, does that sound logical? What am I suppose to do with my stuff while waiting on a replacement tank???
Man that sucks Dave. I hope the company's will work with both of you. I happen to have 2, 30 gallon tanks that either or both of you can use if it would help. I know it's not a nano cube but they are boxes that hold water.
same here, ive got tanks if you need them. ussually what ive found with companies like those is if you give them a credit card they will temporily charge another tank and go ahead and send a replacement, then credit you back when they recieve the broken tank. it sucks but they have to protect themselves from fraud.
Just got a response from Ken at Finnex and he has me a replacement tank coming. That's awesome customer service for sure!! There was no hassle or run around at all. One email to him and that was it.

He told me to keep this tank for 7 days just in case UPS wanted to see it, and then I could do whatever with it.