My yellow tang is trying to host a BTA


Reefing newb
I was just wondering if this is at all possible? The yellow tang went down on the bta's mouth several times were it looked like he was kissing the bta and the next thing I know is he is just chilling in the anemone like he's a clownfish or something. Him and the clownfish are staying side by side in the anemone. Can this even be possible? Hope the tang dont come out with stings
yeah ive never heard of that happening, but thats really cool if that is what he is doing, try and get a pic of it, i wanna see that
I must see that pic. its hard to believe. My yellow tang cant still for a sec yet alone host anything. This is amazing. Pic please!!! Maybe your tang was raised by clowns and thinks he is a clown fish :)
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NATURE IS WEIRD...but i agree , that is not natural behavior of the tang..probably a neurological damage, personality dissorder, who knows..