Nano coral recommendation?


I always wanted a frogspawn or hammer -type coral in my tank...but read about their 6'' tentacles that come out at night and whatnot...combined with their aggressive temperament, they obviously wouldn't be suitable for my 10G.

Any recommendations on something similar? I basically wanted an anemone but i'm a little too chicken :pooh: to attempt one anytime soon.

(this is all going to be after I upgrade my light)
I've never seen any sweeper tentacles from frogspawns and hammers.Alot of people put them in nanos.Get one head/frag,you may have to frag them more often then if they were in a bigger tank,no biggie.Try also some trumpet/candy cane coral.Now those have sweeper tentacles.

Stay a chicken,stay away from nems.
I've never seen sweepers on my hammers of frogspawn, and I have two of each in both of my tanks.
I agree; Frogspawn or Hammer should be fine - just frag them if they start encroaching on the other corals. I would recommend zoanthids, candy coral, mushrooms, a small leather coral. I really think you can keep almost anything as long as your lights support them, you have the space, and you can keep up with fragging. Just watch out for corals like Galaxea that have 1ft. long sweeper tentacles...
My hammer has huge sweepers. They are 6" to 8" long, and extend that far past the rest of the tentacles. I think some corals have them, some don't. It's an individual trait.