New Addition- Clown Goby


Blenny Badlands
Hard to pass up on a freebie fishie....I took a shot of him still in the bag, since it is unlikely I will ever see him again. *L*


Here's what he should look like, if he ever comes out of the rocks:

this guy is pretty tiny. in my 125, I might not ever see him come out of the rocks. when I released him, I put the net right up against a nice protected set of rocks. hopefully my female clown will leave him alone.
Thanks! I really like him. He's the smallest fish in my tank right now. Have a few more on my wish list before I'm happy with my stocking.
Yeah I got one too. I like the little guy. He's set up shop on a certain rock where he is visible often enough. At feeding time I see him dart out a few inches then back in as fast as you could ever imagine. cute little guy. one of the guys at the pet store indicated they might not live long.
Nice fish. I have a GCG as well. It's an awesome fish. Mine hid most of the time for about the first 2 months I've had it. Now it swims in the open water and hosts a lot of my corals. They're really a neat little fish and I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks for letting me know James. Normally, I am not one to get a fish that I have not researched yet. However, I didn't want the poor fella taking a ride down the porcelain express simply because he was the last critter keeping its owner from braking down the tank.
I do love clown gobies. I've been eyeing one at my LFS for quite some time. Nice addition! Gotta love the price! :)
WOOT! I finally saw him again. Since he's passed the one-week survival rate, he's now named "Houdini". He's taken up residence under my neon green candy cane and surrounding suburbs. He is looking rather skinny.

In my ignorance, I've been feeding my carnivores somewhat large mysis shrimp lately. I forgot about the very small mouth on Houdini. I have since put said mysis in the blender to mince it up a little better and laced it with garlic. I was pleased as punch that I saw him jab out and grab a mouthful. Now that I know where his crib's at, I can target feed that area and try to fatten him up some.