New Additions!


not getting a free ride
I decided to take the baby to the coral farm and make sure she 'starts of right' :)

Picked up this combo yesterday. I am really bad with names - and I forgot what the top piece is called. Cavella is what is coming to mind.. but Todd at the coral farm only uses scientific names so after 2 hours of BS'ing with him.. I totally forgot what it was called. Don't worry.. I know what the bottom is.

The top piece is actually much larger than the pictures show - I grabbed the pictures as they were opening up!


Zoo close up
That's what I am hoping for - help fill out the tank a bit! My Xenia are doing a very nice job of that in the middle. The Green Star Polyps are working theird way around the back left side of the tank.. I am hoping the Kenya and Zoos fill up the lower left front.

I'm not sure what to do on the right side of the tank. We have some mushroom but not much rock (we have a big peice sideways). The tank is setup to go from high on the left to low on the right...