NEW ,Calcium ?


Reefing newb
[FONT=&quot]hello all: 75 gal fowlr tank s.22 .23 nitrite 0 ammonia 0 ph8.2 mag 1400 cal360 phos 0 kh 10 two clowns two 6 lines one algea blenny several hermits and a variety of snails some halmedia on some live rock and a muscle ,20 gal sump 20lbs live sand cheato and 10lbs live rock in there (protein skimmer aqua 125) 35lbs live rock 50lbs base rock R/O D/I water some candy can coral and a couple of polyps having an issue with keeping calcium up any suggestions would be appreciated, tanks been set up just over two months, think I put everything let me know if I missed some needed info thanks.[/FONT]
What does "s.22 .23" mean? If it's supposed to mean your Specific Gravity (SG) is 1.022 - 1.023, try bumping it up to natural seawater levels which is 1.026. The increase in salinity will also increase your calcium. You don't have anything listed that would be a major consumer of calcium.
Also, what brand test kit are you using?
That halmedia(sp) algae is probably what's eating up your calcium. They need it to thrive and grow. You may have to start doing either larger or more frequent water changes, change your brand of salt to one with a higher calcium level, or start supplementing calcium.
well it came on some aqua cultured rock I picked up so will have to see how it goes if I can bump some additives I will try to keep it for now thanks