New clown getting kiled!!!


Reefing newb
I bought a new clown, which is relatively younger to my old one (it isnt quite the tone of orange from the other, a bit lighter) and they are fighting like crazy!!!!! You wouldn't exactly say one is beating the crap out of the other, but rather fighting on and on... the two seem pretty tired by now and I would like to know if this is normal and if it will end sometime,,,,
are they the same size. Usually the one you put in first already has established an erea so he is the big fish in the pond. if you want them both take them both out rearrang the rocks and put them in teir togther while the lights are off your only chance and they still mite kill one another Goodluck
They're just trying to determine who's alpha. Hopefully the one you just bought is much smaller than the other one for better chance. But sometimes, one just will kill the other.
clowns are a dominating fish with their own species. How much smaller is the new clown? when i get a new clown i typically go for the ones that are 1-2 inches SMALLER than the current clown, that way it creates an automatic totem pole ranking if you will...
As a temporary solution and if things go down hill you could drop the newer one in the refugium. Do you have one?

Also, its easy to catch a clown when the lights have been out for a while and they are in a state of dormancy.
Lots of good ideas for you! I agree with everyone else so far. If your two clowns are similar in size, you are asking for trouble.

Also, are they the same type of clown? Mixing species usually does not work out well.