New coral pics. And a question.


Reefing newb
I got my newest tank additions yesterday. They seem to be enjoying their new home for now. I got a fiji leather, some mushrooms, and a few sps frags to try out. I'm so pleased with how everything is slowly coming together. My tank actually has just a little bit of color in it now and it's not looking quite so empty. Here are a few pics of my new friends!





And my tank how it looks now...Not quite as bare as it was.


Oh and of course the question. Um, do corals poop? My hairy mushrooms tonight basically spit out some stuff. I know it came from them and it was somewhat cloudy and almost looked like small little white/green specs. Almost like the stuff a snail will release every now and then just a differant color. It did it not to long after I fed everything. Arctic pods for the fish and some DTs photoplankton for the corals. Tonight was the first time I actually target fed the DTs to the corals though if that would make a differance. Never seen anything like that before. The hairy mushrooms as you can see from the pics are somewhat close to the new red mushrooms I got and about 3-4 inches from the button polyps which have been there since I added the hairy mushrooms. Is this the fighting thing corals will do? Was it reproducing somehow? Or was it just basically relieving itself?
I would think that corals have to take a crap from time to time.Never really thought about it though untill you asked.

You goter looking good.
I don't know about the coral releasing waste since I never seen any do it.,but I like the way your tank is looking,especially the rock work and Fiji Leather.

Congrats and keep updating as you go along
If I remember right some mushrooms are also a type of anemone. I have frilly shroom look like the 3 you have on the right side of the tank and it has pood before.

By the way tanks looking good. Is that sull shells you have for a substrate? How do you like it?
My substrate is mostly sand but I mixed in a bag of crushed coral. I kind of regret it now as after seeing a lot of tanks that have sand only I like the way they look a lot better. All of the crushed coral is on top instead of being mixed in like I planned. Plus I have to lightly vacuum it when I do my water changes as it can collect junk easier it seems. Not my favorite but it's ok. When I finally get a house and can have a larger aquarium I will be going all sand with it.
I did the same thing with CC and sand in my 30.It looked good for the first 4 hours,now it dont look so good at all.