New lighting and started SPS!

Yes I have fell in love with monti's I like the colors and the fact that no one monti will be shaped the same. So far I have orange, red, green, pink, purple, and soon green with purple rim.
As far as on the frag rack I'm not sure which one your referring to but the of the first three the one on the right is purple tip digitata, the one in the middle I forgot the name of I bought it at a frag swap cause I thought it was cool. The green and blue on the right is a frag I got from Vspeck that is a montipora.
Green with a purple rim is cool, but it takes a while to get the thick purple rim, mine is just starting to get the thick purple rim and I have had it for like 6 months. But it might be different if you get a big piece, I got mine as a frag so it is taking it a while to get big.