New Skimmer


Reefing newb
I just purchased this skimmer from my local at 50% off. Has anyone used this unit. Did I waste my money and should look for another one or did I find a deal. This is going in a 20gal long tank for my refug.

Thanks for all the help. I am working on pictures can anyone help me on how to download to the chat.
I could have give that same skimmer a couple of weeks ago.I had it for over a year,and it NEVER produced any skimmate.I finally throwed it in the trash.
so its junk, how did your tank look while you was running it. thanks yote

The tank looked fine.But I was also running 2 other skimmers on it.I was running a CSS 65 and 125 both along with the skimmer you've got.All on a 75 gallon tank with 30gal sump.
I have heard that running multiple skimmers on a tank was kind of pointless, the biggest(or best set up) one will take all of the crap out and the other ones just make bubbles. Seem like theres any truth to this Yote?
I have heard that running multiple skimmers on a tank was kind of pointless, the biggest(or best set up) one will take all of the crap out and the other ones just make bubbles. Seem like theres any truth to this Yote?

Seemed like both the CSSs pulled equal crud even when ran side by side.
IMO,Running 2 skimmers is the same as running 1 that'd equal the same size as the 2 smaller.
If the water going into the skimmer has crud in it,the skimmers going to get it.
Generally speaking in this hobby I've found that if you cut corners you pay one way or the other :) Do your self a favor, spend the money and get a decent skimmer. I've got an Octopus 150 in my sump and it's awesome. I got it for cheap on ebay, I think I got it for $100. Just my 2 cents :) Good luck!
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Thanks for the input. Wasn't really trying to cut corners just came across the skimmer at my lfs and they had it marked down. The dude at the store showed me 2 of them he was running on tanks at the store and was working great, good bubbles and skum was running out the tube. This is the only reason I went ahead and made the purchase without investigating. My loss I'm going to give it a try during the cycle and if it is crap then in the trash it goes.
Yours may work great.Another thing I've learned about this hobby,is just because one person didnt have any luck with something,dont mean it wont do great for the next person.
lfs are out to make a buck watch those guys i heard our lfs tell a customer that the coralife pc light was one of best lights on market. i've used octopus skimmers, euroreef, and now new skimmer called vertex skimmer which premium aquatic has on sale right now. Vertex is like a euroreef with a bubble plate and is a european made skimmer also. I know alot of people with octopus skimmers and most are happy with them, regular octopus skimmers ok they do the job with a few mods can kick butt. Most popular skimmers for the buck right now are msx 160, and 200 model skimmer, swc 160 and 200 models or octopus extreme 160 and 200 there all the same just sold under different names and little difference in price. The biggest war in skimmers right now is cone skimmers warner marines k1,k2, k3 cone skimmers, swc cone skimmer, msx cone skimmer, atb economy cone skimmer but these are in 600 to 800 dollar range. All the 160 and 200 model extreme octopus skimmers are 280.00 range well worth it. My vertex insump 180 comparable to euroreef rs 180 was 290.00 new and on sale right now at premium aquatics for 210.00.