New Tank Move


Reefing newb
I finally found the tank I have been looking for. Decent setup for a decent price. This will be first time getting my feet wet. 75 Gallon tank, I will post all the specks tomorrow but first my question. Any links to a step by step tank move ? The tank I bought is a FOWLR tank with 6 Chromis, a sand Goby, and 1 Tang, a Hermit Crab
Only about 30lbs of live rock and about an inch of substrate. Some small inverts growing on the rock.
Should I drain the tank and fill pails with water for corals and fish. Keep substrate at bottom and transport the tank. Or should I scrap the substrate and buy new?
If I buy new substrate how do I soak/clean it before I put it in the moved tank with the water and fish..
Im scared LOL
How long until from when you drain the tank and set it up again? Can you safely move the tank with a little water cover the sand?

Keep as much old water as you can and transport to the new location. Set up the tank in the new location and start to fill it. YOu need to keep the critters warm so it all depends on how long the move is.
Its up to you if you want to keep the substrate or not. I personally would chuck it and get new, but if you decide to clean it heres how you do it.

Put it in a bucket or similar and insert hose. Run the water so it runs out of the bucket and stir the sand till the water comes clean. all the stuff that floats away is stuff you dont want.

Either way, I would keep a few cups of uncleaned sand though to jump start your sand bed.

And for moving i would get lots of buckets and keep the rocks in some buckets and fish in the other. Double bagging them will cut down on spillage.

Also, you are going to need some more rock. You want around 1-2 lbs per gallon of rock. You can just add dry rock, which is much cheaper. A great place to get dry rock is Marco Rocks The finest aquarium rock available

Try and keep the water with fish and rock warm.
It will be about two hours by the time we strip it load into vehicle,drive,unload and start refilling. I can prob move the tank with the sand and alittle water safely in the back of an suv as long as I can lift it with the help of the owner. Should I line the buckets with garbage bags ? I will keep as much of the water as I can. Here are a few pics of the tank.


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Yes on the bags, unless the cans are new and rinsed out.

I think you can move it with the sand, but new sand is not expensive. How fine is the grain of that sand???
Last time i checked, the did send to canada, but it might be cheaper to it from them. I have no idea how shipping over the border works.
As far as shipping over the border its rarely worth it.
Its not the price of the sand that im worrried about I just thought it might be better for the fish to use the same sand. If it recommended to get new sand i will. Its fine with some crushed coral. Little Fish if I buy new sand do I use your method of washing in the bucket then adding to the new tank with the old water ? Any type of sand you recommend?
I recommend just dry agronite (sp?) sand.

You dont have to wash the new sand, but i would consider doing it anyways because it will be less cloudy when you add it to the tank because you will have washed away most of the larger particles.
Nope, nothing important. Just little dusty bits that might make the tank cloudy for a few days. But this is for the new dry sand, not the old stuff.