New to SW

If your tank is 48 inches long then get the 432 watts model.Thats what i'm running on my 55 with sps corals,bubble tip anemone,and a clam.
In a 46 you wouldnt have any trouble at all.
the feather duster would be fine too. you would have to feed your'e tank a little plankton every week so it can eat. i'm not sure if it can live long without feeding. someone correct me if i'm wrong.
ok one last ? really, the tank that im prob going to buy said that the bottom of the tank was tempered, and not to drill it?? is it ok to drill a bottom like that or would it be better to drill the back near the bottom where the over flow would be??, im thinking that it would be better to drill the back but i could be mistaken
you don't need to drill your tank if you use an overflow box into your sump. I don't have an RO unit on my tank and I personally think they are not worth the headache. I just top off my tank once every two days or so with RO water I get from the fish store. My neighbor comes over to do the top offs when I am out of town for the week.

Firefish are also a good colorful addition to a smaller tank. Coral beauties are great, but may nip at a coral or two. I have had less luck with coral beauties than I have had with flame angels. A Vanuatu Flame Angel would be a pretty fish as well for your tank.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
hey sorry to chim in so late in the forum but it sounds like you are doing pretty much the same thing i am doing. they got you all covered on your questions but i would just say to take it slow and research everything you can first. dont rush anything and good luck