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The higher powered lights you can get, the better. Even if you go with T5s (which is what I have and love), if you can afford a bigger fixture, buy a bigger fixture. Like Freak said, get whatever size fits your tank, most tanks come in standard lenghts (36", 48", etc.). I have an Aqua C Remora Pro and love it. Like Yote said, they are pretty pricey for a hang on the back (HOB) skimmer, but in my opinion, you can't beat them. Yote and others here run Coralife Superskimmers and love them, so that's another (less costly) option.
so far this is what im thinking Nova Extreme T-5 Fixtures w/Lunar Lights for lighting and AquaC Remora, or an aquac urchin to be able to just put it in the sump, for the skimmer
now i need to plan out the sump/refugium what sizes do you suggest, how hard is it to make one?? or would it just be better to buy one online??
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Good chose on lighting and skimmer.

I would get or build a sump/refugium the largest you can fit in the space provided.I never built one but I seen people use tanks and adding baffles in for a sump/fuge.If your handy go that route,if not,better off purchasing one.Make sure you build or buy one that has enough space for the skimmer and other equipment like heaters etc.
Definitely don't spend the money on a pre-built sump. Just buy a tank, like Freak said, the biggest one you can fit underneath your stand, and get some plexiglass or acrylic cut to fit for the baffles and silicone them in. Much cheaper than buying a premade one. I'm not handy AT ALL, but I built my own sump/fuge.
does anyone have a plan or anything of how the baffles should be in like a 10 gallon sump?? that means using a 10gallon tank and then just adding baffles, or a 20tall??

also im thinking of buying this tank probably not from petco but its the only place that i can find it online atm, the 46 gallon one
Acrylic Aquarium Tank: SeaClear Bowfront Aquarium Tank at PETCO

would it be better to jsut get the all clear one and then paint the back black, or jsut get the one with the black back already on it??
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It depends on how many sections you want. In my sump I have 3 sections, one for equipment (skimmer, heater, phosphate reactor), one for the refugium and one for the return pump. I have a bubble trap in between the equipment and refugium section.
You pretty much have it covered....

Don't forget a hydrometer or refractometer and test kits for ammonia,nirite,nitrate and PH.Oh yeah,thermometer too.

BTW,I recommend the Visi-therm Stealth heaters,they are the ones covered in black plastic.
ok heater check, now what about teh RO thingy, what would be a good one to get for a tank of my size, i might of found a good deal on a tank and a stand, a 46 bowfront and the matching stand for $75 i emailed the guy and said that i would take it if it was in good shape
I don't know what are the best RO unit.Check and for prices.I do recommend it be a 4-stage or higher.Usually the more gallons per hour they can produce the more expensive.I highly recommend you get a TDS(total dissolve solids)meter if you get a RO/DI unit.
It would also be a good idea to get 2 smaller heaters instead of one bigger heater.That way if one sticks on,it want cook your tank.
Dont forget to look at lowes and Home Depot for RO units.Theres are basically the same thing but not as high priced.
OK now that i figured out pretty much all the equipment that i will need to buy, i need some help with what to stock it with,

would like to have some feather duster worms, my girlfriend has told me that i have to put in a clown fish for my daughter, one of the big clams, and also a coral beauty, dont know about the clam but any ideas on what i can put in there??

also was wondering about a cleaming crew its going to be a 46 gallon FOWLR that might get corals in the future, but for now om ok, but i would like to have some crabs in there just because i think that they are cool
Sounds to me like you might as well go ahead and set it up for a reef.
If you want a clam,you'll have to go with the higher end lights.You'll want at least 8 watts per gallon.And on a 46,I would suggest a good set of T-5s.

With a 46,I would go with a pair of clowns,one of the smaller reef safe wrasses,maybe a blenny of some kind.
Then you'll need a few snails,some hermits,and since you like crabs.A couple of emerald crabs.