new to the forum


Reefing newb
Hello, I am new to the foram and I have a question I hope someone can answer. I have many fin hair like red worms in my substrate and on the glass. The only thing in the tank is several peices of live rock and two Damsels. These worms have only showed up in the last 3 months although I have had the live rock for two years.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

[email protected]:mrgreen:
Are they very fine like threads? If so, I would bet they are spaghetti worms. Or are their bodies covered in hair-like bristles? If so those are bristleworms. Both of those are safe to have in your tank. The majority of worms you see are harmless. But there are a few bad guys in this hobby that you have to watch out for. If you posted a picture, we could tell you for sure.
They are about 1/2 to 1 inch long, bright red, about as thick as a paper clip - they do not seem to be bothering anything but I have not been able to identify them