Newb problem


Reefing newb
Iam trying to start a fish and live rock tank. And by the advice of the pet store I added tap water to the tank with live sand and sea salt. Also running a Rena canister filter with heater. Is there anything I can do to fix the problem of tap water? Thanks
Since you've already got it in there and the salt mixed in.Just top off and do your water changes with either distilled or RO/DI water.
Oh,and welcome to the site.
+1 yote, also make sure you keep the canister well cleaned. clean it once a week or you will see a pretty bog nitrate problem. and welcome to the site
Hi and welcome!

Lot's of people start their tanks with tap water. It's not a fatal mistake, but it's best if you do water changes and top off evaporated water with RODI in the future.

Don't sweat it.