Nitrate Problem


Reefing newb
I been testing the nitrates for four weeks and been doing a 5 gallon water changes on my 30g tank. Nitrates are at 80 ppm. What is the cause? And a solution? I did add some dead coral a few weeks ago as decoration. Found them in the live rock tank at the LFS. Plans are to do a water change and test again after 1 and 2 days.......if it spikes again do a water change and remove the corals and test the water. Tank has crushed coral and one damsel and cleaner shrimp. Also hermits and ghost shrimp.
I would say its the crushed coral releasing back the nutrients from the detrius that got trapped in there and rotted. That is exactly why crushed coral is a bad idea.

So i would keep up the water changes and remove that substrate.
yea the crushed coral does not help at all. how much and often do you feed the tank. start with water changes i would do 10% everyday for at least a week.
I feed every day. I chip of a little of the frozen cube. The damsel is such a shy fish you have to back away for him to eat.
I agree, it's probably the mentioned, siphon some out every time you do a wc, that way you won't get rid of all your bacteria too sudden and shock the tank with another cycle.