not quite sure


Living one day at a time
Ok I have hob fuge on my main tank a few months ago I put tigger pods in it to host in my cheato. Those where very little red dots. I have never seen any again since. I have read that those are more of a cold water species and sometime dont thrive in our warm tanks. Ok to what is confusing me today I noticed big bugs in my fuge. These things are way bigger then size of tigger pods and I can see them with the naked eye. Unfortunately they are to small for my :pooh: camera phone to get a pic. To be honest kinda look like brine shrimp but are alive. I feed gut loaded brine to my fishes but those are frozen. I know these cant be brine shrimp but they seem big for pods.
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ok as I have been looking these are amphipods and good size ones. So I guess thats cool. Do I need to reseed copepods or will these guys be enough for my dragon goby?
They should breed just fine on their own if they are protected by the fuge.

And most of the pods you buy at the LFS are cold water species and won't survive in our tanks. That's why they are kept in the fridge.
Hi Ted,

Tigger-Pods (by Reef Nutrition) are a warm water species and will grow very well in your reef system. They are the species Tigriopus califoricus which ranges from the cold water of Washington State to the very warm waters of Baja Mexico. They are cultured in our greenhouse at a temperature of 70-90 F and they absolutely thrive in this temperature range. Due to the wide range of temperatures this species can survive in, they can be stored in cold water and will go into a hibernation state. This allows them to be stored for up to 8 weeks in a refrigerator. When they are warmed back up, they become active again and will start reproducing.

Adult Tigger-Pods are in the 800-1500 micron size range and can easily be seen with the naked eye.
Ya thanks for the information. I havent seen them since I added them to my tank. I think they are still there just cant seem to be able to see the little guys. I think I also have amphipods that came in my cheato. I can see those they are a lot bigger and not red. Also they dont seem to swim, kinda crawl around. Anyway it is way cool that you responded to my post and to be honest I think you just made a customer of me for life. :D