Official Moronic Question Thread....( O.M.Q.T.)

Thats great. I love the look of corals, espescially the soft ones and am gonna buy a light in the next week...I've read up on the subject and am gonna go with the 4 bulb 216 watt basic odyssea...then im gonna keep adding rock til i get a decent wall and go for some easy care softies to start...I truly appreciate your help...feel free to be critical of my choices..I'm married so I can handle being told how stupid I'm being...:Cheers:
cool...I've got lots more stuff to ask and I can't wait for the day that I can help someone out the way your all helping me...but it's 3 in the morning here so i better pack it in...goodnight and happy forumining...foruming...doin stuff on the forum...
Ok...time for another dumb question...this one seems obvious but I'm quickly learning that the obvious doesn't always apply...

3) What is live sand? I have sand...I didn't buy live sand...I have live my sand "alive" now? Or do I need to buy different sand if I want to do some corals and stuff...:bowdown: I am humbled by your patience with my ignorance...
Live (sand or rock) just means it has population of bacteria on it that can process fish waste into less toxic chemicals. So any rock or sand you put in your tank will turn live over time