Ok, here goes nothing:)


Reefing newb
Well, here it goes, in three months roughly I will have a 100gal to a 110gal saltwater aquarium. Now I have plans, plans for a predator tank, I've made a list of fish I'm interested in, and requirements and the like, I've done a lot of asking around on Pufferforum, and in the local aquarium stores available to me (which is Big Al's).

My intention is to have either a shark, or an eel. Specifically, a Banded Bamboo Cat Shark, and possible a Jeweled Moray Eel, or a Snowflake Eel. I looked at other fish, but there are a lot of things for me to consider, such as compatibility, and the like. That, and because my folks were freaking over my first selections, (he he he, this was because I wanted extreamly venamous/dangerous fish, such as a Clown Trigger, and a Lion Fish, and a Porcupine Puffer, he he he) But seriously, I do love sharks, and have always wanted one, and the eels are beautiful creatures.

Now, my plans are to have very few corals in the tank, Live rock, of course, and maybe a few tough corals that wont get hurt easily. Either by the fish or my inexperience with them. But I do not want to do something stupid and kill them off, nor are they necessary with the fish I'm planning.

I'd also appreciate it if anyone could give me a basic equipment set up list for this sort of an aquarium. I can do my own reaserch, but it seems that every time I think I've got it all sorted out I discover something I missed:S

This is it in a nutshell. Any questions? And especially: any advice? Are Sharks and Eels compatible? I've read that they are, especially with the species I'm into. So, yea. Thoughts are good:D
tank is to small for a shark, and you could do an eel, just know that they are masters at escaping. also corals i would be cautious with because its not them getting ruffed up, its them getting eaten that is a concern. and a clown trigger isnt a dangerous fish...to you.
Mmm. I've done research, the shark I've listed stays small, and even then I do plan to upgrade one day to a larger 300gal tank. I can't do it now without risking it ending up in the dining room. I'd be careful:D I've got four cats, I've gotten good and preventing sneak escapes. Ha ha ha. And I dunno, I've heard some horror stories about Clown Triggers taking chunks of people's fingers at feeding time.
well the losing a finger part is an easy fix, dont stick your hand in the tank when he is eating. and i wouldnt get a shark with plans of upgrading until the tank is paid for and you know it is a definite

Remember, a 110g tank will have the same dimensions as a 75g tank, just taller.
There will probably be little room for growth for the shark.

A better solution may be to bump up to at least a 125g to get you into the 72" length realm. Price shouldn't be too much more.

I know Big Al's (in Ft. Lauderdale) sells AGA who makes a nice 125g with dual megaflows pretty cheap.

Good luck!