order of fish


Reefing newb
So, I just got a new tank and I've finally decided what fish to put in it. I haven't bought any lighting or anything yet until I have completely made up my mind about everything. But, I've already decided what fish I want in my 90 gal. They are: 1 flame angel, 3 firefish, 1 six line wrasse, 1 yellow tang, 2 clownfish, 1 royal gramma, and 1 scooter blenny. Does anyone know what order I should put them in the tank to reduce aggression, stress, etc. Also, should I add corals to the tank first or fish?
Six- line wrasse can be bullies along with some kinds of clownfish (my maroons are a force to be reckoned with LOL) Percula and Ocellaris do not seem to have near as much aggression as maroons and some others. Just add from least aggressive to most. My maroons will be going into the cube last so that the other fish already have their territories :)
Hard to say exactly because every fish can have different personalities, but I would go...

Scooter Blenny (even though least aggressive, needs an established tank with lots of pods unless you have one eating frozen food well)
Royal Gramma
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel
clowns (depending on species)
six-line wrasse (good luck getting this guy out if he becomes a bully. they are quick!)
So this would be from least aggressive to most aggressive? I already have the clownfish in my 30 gallon and they aren't aggressive at all. Shouldn't the flame angel come after the clowns? I think I heard somewhere that flame angels should be one of the last ones to be added because some might be a little aggressive. Is this true?
Like I said, each fish can have their own personality but thats why I put it toward the end of the list. I didn't know you already had clowns. What kind are they? I didn't think your tank was done cycling.
I have a 90 gallon which I just got, and I have a 30 gallon which I've had for quite a few years. The clowns are in the 30 gallon. I've had the clowns in there for a while already. I think they are ocellaris clowns.
Whats kind of clownfish do you have - that will help us give you advice about order.

Edit - just saw your response - here's my recommendation on order:

Firefish (make sure you have a lid on your tank)
Scooter blenny (if it eats frozen, otherwise skip this addition - and wait to add unitl 2 months later since you are adding 3 firefish in the beginning)
Royal Gramma (6 weeks later since you are adding 2 clowns)
Six Line Wrasse (if it is small - if it's larger, then I'd add it after the angel)
Flame Angel
Yellow tang
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I would add the scooter last just because your tank needs to be set up for a long time in order to keep one of those guys happy. Chichi is right about adding the least aggressive first, but you also have to balance how hardy those fish are because the first in should be hardy and able to survive what can be a difficult environment of a newly set up tank.

Clowns are often added first because of this, in spite of their aggressive tendencies. So this is the order I would go in:

Royal gramma
Yellow tang
Flame angel
Sixline wrasse
Scooter dragonette
ok. Now I'm not too sure about the firefish, since they tend to jump a lot. Don't know if I want that. Anyone know of any other fishes that can replace the firefish? Maybe something that I can have 3 of? Or any other fish that I can add to my tank, doesn't have to school. I don't want any aggressive fish, or fish that will nip at corals.
I heard chromis can sometimes be aggressive to each other so I don't really want it. Any other fish I can add? I don't think I'll do with the cardinal fish.