Order of the Reef?

Will S

Reefing newb
Hello Reefers! I'm poised with yet another question? Since I've recently started building my reef system I've gone to local pet stores, once again I have conflicting perspectives. As to which I should establish first the corals or the fish. At this point primarily looking at zoa's and mushrooms, simpler stuff for now the fish were wanting are two clowns, small hippo, sm yellow tang or taso tang but these would come over time as Im trying not to do to much at once. We already have one clown and a kick butt diamond goby! It never stops cleaning
You can establish them at the same time :) And those corals you listed are great starter corals, if you have the light for them I would suggest adding them now.

Also a 90 gal is too small for the blue and naso tangs, they need to be in tanks at least 8 ft long.

Finally, when you add the second clown make sure you add one that is either much smaller or much bigger than your current clown. If you add one that is the same size they will probably fight to death