pc and t5

Sure.....depending on what corals you want to keep of course. Just don't get any high light demanding hard corals. You will be good for any soft coral.
How many T5s are you going to use. Some only use those and depending on the quantity of lights (bulbs) they keep pretty much anything and everything.
Questions and Answers :question:

2 T5 WHAT? How many watts? What color spectrum?

Same question for the PC lights. How many watts. What color?

If you're talking about 24" bulbs, then the T5 HO are going to be 24 watts. The PC are going to be 65 watts.

So 2 T5 lights at 24 watts gives you 48 watts.

And 2 PC at 65 each gives you 130 watts.

And this will be the lights on the 75g listed in your signature?
2 t5 54watt 48 inch 1 of those actinic blue and the other 12000k as 4 the pc lights i don't no i think they r 65 watt and i will be using 2 of those also already have actinics 2 go alone with this combo would this be ok
Pretty much what DC and RC are trying to get at is that, typically, you want at minimum 2 watts per gallon for soft coral and 5 watts per gallon should be just about enough for anything you want to put in the tank. However, other factors due come into play like the Kelvin rating of the bulbs. So, for your tank, ideally you would want your lights to add up to 375 watts, which to obtain by using power compacts, you would need one of these http://shop.aquatraders.com/Odyssea-48in-4x65W-Power-Compact-Light-Fixture-p/51204.htm and one of these http://shop.aquatraders.com/Odyssea-48in-2x65W-Power-Compact-Light-Fixture-p/51105.htm; to do that in T5's, you'd have to get two of these guys http://shop.aquatraders.com/Odyssea-48in-4x54W-T5-HO-Light-Fixture-Pro-Series-p/52211.htm; and lastly, to blow both of those out of the water, you could just get one of these guys http://shop.aquatraders.com/Odyssea-48in-500W-Metal-Halide-System-p/54224.htm.

That's the extent that I know...I don't know where you have to start worrying about bleaching your coral and the ill-effects of too high of a kelvin rating for your bulbs; I just know low Kelvin or an old bulb that no longer burns as hot will promote algae growth. Personally, I'd either go with the PCs or the MHs (unless 500W is too much for 75g)
yea i have 4 pc's on my tank now, 2 of them are 10k and the other 2 are 50/50 10k and actiinic mixed.

at 65W each, thats 260, on what is being called a 75 gallon tank.. so, i was thinking about adding like 2 t-5's when i build my canopy, and then as my pc's age out, switch thoes over to t-5's as well, and i'd like to keep zoo's for sure, not sure that i wanna get into hard corals just yet... maybe an anemone for my clown...

what do ya'll think about that?
I have six 39 watt T5's with individual reflectors over my tank right now and I can keep anything so far. Easy sps, clams, etc. Have not yet tried the hard sps but i think that's going to be more of a water quality issue than my lighting. It's a heck of a lot of light. My LFS runs all his tanks with only T5. They are shallow enough and everything looks awesome.

So you can have T5 only, you just need to pay attention to how many you have, how deep your tank is, and where you place your corals.
yea, well, i figure i've got about 6 months to get the tank ready, the lights ready and everything else togeter, cause since i moved the tank this last weekend i have to start my "coral timer" over(thats what i call how long i have to wait till the tank is "old enough" to think about putting any corals in it... )

so, time to start the research... oh, and get more test kits, time to step up the testing too...

So, i have a question, my tank is about 20 inches deep(the water) its a 75gal, 4 feet long, how many t5's should i have?

i'm going through and looking at all the specs, and dimentions and wattages and everything else, and i think that it looks like i would need 10 36 inch 39watt bulbs to get just over 5 watts per gallon...

wow 10 bulbs?

i'm thinking of going with the 36" cause the 48"'s might not quite fit in a 48 inch canopy, i guess i i could angle the bulbs a little bit... hmmm

if i were to go with the 48" then i would need 7 of them...

i can put 4 of either one on each balast, so i would need at least 2 balasts, if not a 3rd just so i can split up the light times..(more daylight simulation)

wow.. information overload.
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yea i had seen measurements like 46.5, but by the time you add the end clips, and the internal structure of the canopy i'm looking at building, i dont think they will quite be able to land straight..