
I swear i saw a baby mantis in that video........

I really thought it was a mantis too I didnt think the pistol shrimp would have attacked the pen like that but so far no mantis has been found.
The rocks with the remaining popper is in the bathroom with a powerhead and heater for the night until I decide how to extract it. If its a mantis I will let you know for sure but the amount of popping it does leads me to think not.

I felt really bad last time because I really thought the bigger shrimp was dead he didn't move for about 30 minutes. I think I am going to use cold saltwater again but not as cold.

I dont want to kill my bacteria and other things on my rocks which I think the freshwater will do.
Omg I have the rocks with a popper in the bathroom but now I still hear it in my main tank!!! WTF :frustrat::frustrat:

I can't take another sleepless night :grumble:
Ut oh...... Well I'll be with u on the not sleeping part. This tooth ache is epic.

You still havent gotten that pulled out yet! Holy cow :shock:

Btw 3 pistols on one rock. That would be kinda crazy.

No no no I already got rid of 2 (took them to the LFS) I have one popping in the bathroom in a QT and there is still at least one in my main tank now!!!!

Thats at LEAST 4 in only 2 rocks that I got from TBS. Not to mention the 8 gorilla crabs and 3 porcelain crabs that also came on there! I swear I think those 2 rocks were like nesting rocks from them or something they are all very tiny babies.
I'm glad I never bought "Ocean cured" live rocks :D My rocks are comprised of 70% live rock that came with the tank my brother passed on to me, and 30% are my home made garf rock. The only clicking I hear is for the pistol shrimp that I actually did buy so I want him there :)

Glad you caught some of the clickers though! Good luck finding the one in the dt!