Picture of the day.

Awwww....soo cute, Erin! You know what I tell my kids about puddles? Don't step in them because you never know if a dog peed in them LOL HEY! I"ve had my fair share of kids' wet shoes at the most inconvenient times!

Dennis -- you better enjoy these days when a cheap $2 gift will make your kid's eyes light up because eventually, she'll want the $35 pair of skorts from Justice, or the $50 game for the wii, or the $100 mp3 player :shock: All my youngest wants for x'mas and bdays are socks, socks, and more socks. And BOY does he wear them all! Sometimes changes socks a few times during the day, sometimes just wearing 1 sock. So yep...taking advantage of the cheap gifts now :)

Shhh. I jump in puddles ALL the time. Even without the kids. :)
Aiden with his Homies at Disneyland this past weekend.



Cool pics as always. And kudos for the StarWars tshirt. But yes where is Goofy? Did he try getting any of the phone numbers from Cinderella or Beauty?