Pink-Spotted Watchman is MIA


Broke Reefer!
I think I may have lost my PSW goby. I've had him for 2 months (he was the latest fish added) and he seems to have been doing quite well - fat and happy, and at least 3" long. He eats well, though admittedly didn't get as much food as everyone else, and sifted sand regularly. He has a few caves he hides in, but is almost always visible and out and about during the day. Today is the first day I can't find him anywhere. He's not in his caves, not perched on any rocks, and no sign of him anywhere. Overflows are covered and he didn't jump. He was exploring a few new areas in the rocks yesterday that I haven't seen him explore before and might be there, but its odd that I wouldn't spot him at all in the several hours I've been watching the tank. I always worry when fish behavior changes, and think he might be a goner. Would snails take care of a body that quickly? I just hope this is an isolated incident. I did add a few tiny emerald crabs to take care of some bubble algae (which they still haven't gone for) - any chance a tiny emerald would have gotten him? I'm sad that he's MIA :(
Are you sure he didn't jump?

I found my wrasse about a month after he disappeared, dried and crusty on my floor hidden behind some furniture. It's amazing how far they can flop around before they die, so check everywhere.
Nope, he didn't jump. He did however come out of his cave when I fed the tank just now :) He must have been really far back in there. He's definitely acting different - less social and much more skittish than I've seen him act before. But he looks normal - no sign of having gotten in a fight, not odd markings or coloration, etc. Maybe he's just having an off day. Yesterday when he was exploring new areas of the rocks he was pretty close to the basslet's territory. The basslet gets all aggressive and posturing when the tang goes near his territory, so I can only imagine that if he saw the goby over there that he might have gone after him and sent him scurrying for safety. Maybe he's still feeling scared if the basslet went after him last night and it will take him awhile to feel safe again? Who knows. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed that he's okay and just having an off-day. My fish in this tank have been so healthy and I'll be really sad if he doesn't make it
Thanks Amba!

He's still in hiding today though spending more time coming up to the entrance of his cave. I really wish I knew what was going on because he hasn't behaved like this since I first put him in the tank a few months ago. Good news is that his breathing is quite steady and slow and he physically looks healthy so hopefully this is something that will pass. I am thinking it may be time to get rid of the basslet though.... So hard to trade in a fish - I wonder what will happen to him, will he go to a tank that will keep him healthy and alive? I wish I could get my 45 hex set up 'cause I'd move him there instead. I just don't have a place to put it or the money for the right equipment for it. Maybe I should start pricing out how much it would cost to get it up and running as a FOWLR and ask my roommates if I could set it up somewhere at home.... hmmm, something to think about
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I am very happy to report that Simeon is back out and about in the tank and acting normally again. I have no idea what the deal was but I'm glad things are back to normal (and am crossing my fingers that I'm not going to jinx myself by posting this LOL)
Glad Simeon is back to normal. He may have had a dressing down from one of his tank mates, or maybe got a scratch somewhere you didn't notice. I know Hermione went into hiding and would hardly eat and turned really pale right after she scraped her lip a couple months back. I was panicking and sure she was a goner. Then she just came back out, normal colored, back to eating like nothing had ever happened. I told her off for worrying me, but somehow, I don't think it made much of an impact. She hasn't done it again though!
i would be willing to bet that he molted. that would be a good reason for him to hide until his shell was completely hard
oh it all good. im just not paying attention. sittin here at work watching coil tubeing go on the well to clean it out so we can frac