Plate coral fragging


Reef enthusiast
Ok, so i decided to frag my massive plate coral.

Online they say to use a diamond cutter but i dont even own a drill haha so pass on that.

ive just cut it right down the middle with a set of bone cutters and here is the result


its opened up its tenticles so im hoping it wont die. But lets give it a few weeks and ill update here :D
Sen, i actually dont think you do, because the way they fragged in on the tutorials only one piece has the mouth. So it was a little bit wierd. But this does have the mouth so it should be fine.

Its opened up copletely today, like swelled so im thinking they are doing well and will grow into 2 pieces
Dont want too much flow because it can actually rip the flesh off the skeleton. As long as it is inflating, I think it will do fine. How long will it take before it is a circle again?
yea, i dont have too much flow anywhere in the tank, its pretty decent all over.

Im hoping it will take about a month for it to become a circle again, but i get a feeling it will take longer than that.
I think it will take longer too. The ones that my LFS has fragged in half like that seemed to have taken a long time to heal and become round again!
Oh well, i fragged it because its too big, ill just look after it for a while, let it heal, and take it to my lfs, or he might accept it if the scar is healed over and nurse it more. I doubt he will mind a cheap coral ;)