Protein skimmer advice


Reefing newb
Im looking to get a HOB skimmer for my 25 gallon. whats the best bang for my buck? idk if i wanna spend like 100 dollars on one. is this possible?
You can get a glass skimmer that runs on an airstone, they work very well for small tank. However, for small tanks you can also just do regular water changes.
i thought about getting a nano skimmer so that i dont have to run my filter. well i was going to run it just for the circulation and the bio wheel and maybe carbon and have the skimmer to pull junk out hte tank
yeah thats what i hear. but then i hear people who make say its also good for hte tank wtih the biowheel and of course helping take out stuff in the water. my tank is still cycling so ill keep it there for now and if i hvae problems with my nitrate im sure to take it out
that is freshwater technology. In saltwater the biowheels lead to nitrates issues. You might be able to still use it but you need to clean it at least once a week
before you big money on a sweet skimmer, or small money on a crappy skimmer, i would let your tank mature and get to know it a little. if you are testing weekly you should have a good handle on it after a few months. nitrates can be handled easily with water changes...if you are constantly dealing with nitrates and are sick of water changes then you could get a skimmer.
yeah i found a good deal on a hydor nano skimmer that i dont think the deal will be there soon enough so i was thinking about jumping on that