Quarantine tank.


Reefing newb
Ok so I have a small 5gallon that came with the rest of the gear and I want to set this up as a quarantine tank.

Do you guys leave the quarantine tank up all the time or tear it down? Do you guys run the same stuff on your quarantine tank? IE skimmer, high power lights etc, etc. Obviously It would need some type of filtration but can you get away with a HOB?
All you need is a heater, powerhead, a small light, and a place for them to hide. A 5g tank is going to be too small to quarantine a lot of fish. And you'll have to do regular water changes to keep the ammonia levels down
All you need is a heater, powerhead, a small light, and a place for them to hide. A 5g tank is going to be too small to quarantine a lot of fish. And you'll have to do regular water changes to keep the ammonia levels down

No HOB or other type of filter? Live rock or sand?

should I do complete water changes in between keeping fish in there?

Would the same setup be used for quarantine of corals?

Ive seen people say the quarantine for up to a month. Is that the normal practice?
You can use an HOB filter, but clean it weekly. No live rock or sand, but buy a couple pieces of PVC to give fish some place to hide. Do water changes to keep the levels down.

There's no need to quarantine corals. You can do an iodine or freshwater dip before you add them to your tank, but quarantining them doesn't accomplish anything. You wouldn't want to put them in the same quarantine tank as your fish are in anyways.

How long you quarantine for depends on what you are quarantining for. If you want to treat all fish for ich via hyposalinity and keep ich out of your tank, you should go for 6 to 8 weeks. If you just want to make sure the fish are eating and look healthy, then a couple weeks is okay.