Raising Live food in Refugium


Reefing newb
I have several fish who enjoy live food at least on occasion, ie. lion fish, clown trigger, dog face puffer, etc.. Anyhow I have a 30 gallon refugium for my 75 gallon tank, and I am trying to figure out if there is a type of shirmp or live food that would live easily and reproduce in the refugium that I could use for feeding to my fish here and there. If anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it.

Thank you.
I am real new to this fish keeping but you have about three of the most aggresive fish you can own, those puffer's will kill snails and anything else, and the lion has to eat live fish? and I ve hears about triggiers killing lions ,
Well maybe it will work out for you, let us know how it goes and who wins..