Rcchanlder's 29 gal Build

this should work


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This place called exotic tropics. Its really good. A bit over priced. but the quarentine all their fish before they sell them and everything is really healthy. There's a PetCo up here too but i don't trust their water. Its always green.
Sounds good.
I'll have to check that store out the next time I'm up there.
Cookevilles not far up 111 from where my parents live.
There used to be a swimming hole back toward Spencer where those girls from Tech would go hang out, and I DO mean HANGOUT:D Of course that was 20 years ago.Cookeville is a nice place.Just big enough to find what your looking for,but small enough to get away when you need too.
It was an old strip pit they called Wahoo Beach.Crystal clear water,there was a bluff you jumpped off of that was right at 30ft high.The water was around 45ft deep around the edges but dropped off over 300ft straight down about 2 feet from the bank.
so far ive added three hermit crabs and a clown fish. One of my hermit crabs just shed his exoskeleton after having it for a week. I've had several people tell me to remove my undergravel filter, but im not sure if that would be more trouble than its worth
Go ahead and pull that undergravel filter.It'll be easier to do it now than when you got all the aquascaping done and a tank full of corals.
It'll eventually cause you to have extremely high nitrates that will be fatal to corals and inverts and highly stressfull to your fish.
He'll be fine.It's a lot easier on him now than it would be 2 months down the road.
Pulling it now shouldnt cause any major problems.# months from now,it'd probably release all kinds os crud that could crash the whole tank killing everything in it.
Thanks to all you guys. It took a number of you to convince me that i would be better off taking it out, but i think this deff overrides my LFS. Any one want an Undergravel Filter.... lol
You could get a small HOB protein skimmer. With 1 to 2 lbs of live rock per gallon and a protein skimmer, you should be all set for filtration. But a 29 gallon tank is pretty much the borderline between "don't need a skimmer" and "must have a skimmer". With a tank that size, you can usually do regular water changes to keep the water parameters in line, and not need a skimmer.