Red and some Green cyano


Reef enthusiast
Got red and some green cyano and a little hair algae. My 20G long has been damn near maintenance free for 2 years then some months back cyano just got worse and worse. Nothing changed! The pair of clowns did gradually get bigger though. The tank has the 2 clowns, 1 tail spot blenny, a shrimp and a very small green clown goby. No corals.

Nitrates 0
Phosphates 0
alk 4
Ph 8.4
72 watts of CFL half blue actinic and half white. The bulbs are old but I can't believe that old bulbs alone can make grow cyano cover half the tank.

How can this stuff even grow if the trates are zero?
I think that if your bulbs are old, that's a very likely culprit. How old are they? They should be changed about once a year.
+1 gotta agree. with nothing else out of the ordinary. You'd be suprised what lights will do for you. CFL usually only good for 6-9 months believe it or not.
You have zero trates because they are being used up by the cyano. And i agree, its probably the old bulbs. As bulbs age, the spectrum of light they put out changes, and the new wavelengths are more conducive to algae growth.
I forgot to mention that the clean up crew is inadequate. Down to one snail in the tank. I'll change the bulbs and add cuc.
If you are carefully dosing vodka then I would think you don't need a CUC. True?
I haven't had any CUC for a long time. And yes, even dosing vodka you would need it, usually carpet algea grows using carbon dosing. I have some, but not out of control.