Red Cyano


Reefing newb
I have my tanks set up for six month's now and noticed the red stuff in the sand. Prior to that I had a small patch of green hair algae on one of the power heads. I left the lights on for aprox. 40 hrs do to noone being home. Then the red poped up.

Question 1- Is the red in the sand normal? I read that it is. Like the third part of a new tank.

Question 2-I have had this red buble stuff on a coral...I got he coral from another person and it was mostly dead with this red bubble stuff on it. Deep red almost maroon. Only place it spread was on the dead part of the corral. Should I Chop off the live part and get rid of the red bubble stuff.

By the way im doing a water change later today and testing the right now no params done recently.
Sounds like cyano in the sand bed, but im not sure what is on the coral. A picture would be helpful.

The cyano could be totally related to the extra long photoperiod, so i would do your water change as planned and try and suck out as much a possible. If it comes back then i would get a more serious plan of action on how to combat it.