Rock Question

They would be ok in a FOWLR (as decoration only) but you would have to worry about them leaching heavy metals and other nasties into your system.

If you are looking for a cheap alternative to live rock why not do DIY rock all it takes is portland cement aragonite or calcium carbonate sand salt calcium chloride and rock salt. You have to cure it in fresh water for quite a while to dissolve the salt but it looks good and is a bunch cheaper.
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River rock usually has a lot of iron it.Thats what gives it the rusty color.Rock out of a pasture is going to be coated with all kinds of nasty crap.
I wouldnt use either one,even in a FOWLR tank.
I'd think you run the risk of getting rock contaminated with fertilizer if it comes from a pasture or anywhere near an agricultural area.

A good rule of thumb is: If it doesn't come from the ocean, it doesn't belong in a reef tank.
Don't forget using dry rock. It's *much* cheaper than live rock and you don't have to worry about metals leaching into your tank.
Death, doom, destruction, etc.

Haha... Yote, you crack me up.

A reef tank, contains, by definition, stuff from a reef. Non-oceanic rock is made up of very different minerals and elements than reef rock (which is calcium based). Many land-based rocks contain heavy metals, which would kill the animals in your tank. Rock from the ocean also has a buffering capacity to minimize pH swings in your tank. pH swings can also kill your animals. Land-based rock does not have any buffering capacity, hence the unstable water parameters Yote mentions. Land-based rocks also can leach nutrients that will cause algae outbreaks, and some contain high levels of silicates which will also wreak algae havock on your tank.