Salt Creep and Me


Reefing newb

I have a 125 gallon with live rock, fish and snails. I am running a Eheim cannister filter and a Remora C Pro skimmer hang-on skimmer. I also have two impeller/powerheads at opposite ends of the tank for circulation. I have been experiencing more and more salt creep in the past year or so (the tank has been up and running since 2003).

My question is how to do I determine if this is coming from a leak or some other cause like my skimmer? It seems like my creep increased once I added the impellers about 18 months ago. Is it normal to see some salt deposit under my tank when I open one of the doors on my wooden base? I have noticed that, at times, my Remora is a bit damp on the bottom of the collection tank.

I have had great luck with the Remora, but I have heard that Octopus skimmers are good for hang-ons. My local dealer says that I can expect some seapage with a 125 and to just learn to anticipate the moisture and the salt creep.

Any ideas? Thanks!

I usually get a TON of salt creep in my sump when the water was too turbulent. A lot of bubbles form when rushing out of my intake pipes into the sump, all those bubbles rise up, burst, and splatter the water and salt over the edge, forming the creep. I fixed it by making the pipes into the water longer, so it went all the way to the bottom.

That won't solve your problem of course because you have a different setup. But maybe if you post pics, people here will be able to better see what's going on. :)
Are you sure that your skimmers not leaking?

Like Wonton said,if you can post a pic,we should be able to point you in the right direction.