Several tanks for sale


Reefing newb
Must get out of our saltwater addiction...
For Sale

-45 gallon- glass, Hexagon shaped - $35

-35 gallon -glass, rectangular - $30

-25 gallon -glass, rectangular - $20

3- 10 gallon -glass, rectangular -$10 each

-90 GALLON -all glass aquarium, perfect condition (less than 6 months old) 48"Lx18"Wx25"D. Stand, black acyrilic/glass cabinet with Corian top. Coralife Power Compact 48" 130watt light with 8 LED moonlights. 2 Hang on the back filters, 2 under gravel filters, 2 adjustable powerheads - $500

Also have some livestock still available if interested, call for prices
-1 Turbo snail
-2 Astra snails
-4 Emeralds crabs
-20 assorted hermit crabs
-Approx. 200lbs of live cultured rock and sand
-Bulls eye Mushroom coral
-Green Stirped Mushroom coral on rock with Purple sponge
-Oyster with sun coral polyps
-Spiny Oyster with Pulsing Xenias, Sea Squirts and Sea fans
-1 Large blood Shrimp
-1 Watchman Goby
-1 Mandarin Dragonet
-1 Clown Surgeon Fish (Clown Tang)
-1 Yellow Hawiian Tang
-1 Firefish
-Feather duster
-lots of Peppermint shrimp hatchlings

90g is only 6 months old, but we have had most of the rock and live stock over 2 years.

Call 586-604-4339 anytime, in Shelby Twp, MI
Also, the livestock and rocks have all been sold, along with light and filters. Tanks only left, stand for the 90 gallon