Sick Goby


Reefing newb
Ok I have a question for you all out there, I have a Yellow Watchman Goby who defiantly appears to be sick. He has been acting weird the last 2 days now. He kind of just sits near the top of the water not doing anything but just floating around there. He is very pale, has no spots, has no noticable growths or any parasites on the outside. Also, he has no markings, nothing is rotting, he just plain looks ill. My water quality is WNL and nothing has changed. I have not added anything new to the tank. I recently did a water change yesterday, and he was acting the same before the water change. Anyone have any ideas what it might be? I know its tough and I have looked around on some sites for some ideas what it might be, but nothing just really seems to suite him. I was thinking it might be a swim bladder disorder but he really does not fit the symptoms. Like I said he just kind of just floats there at the top and swims very slowly.

What site to do guys use to try to ID sickness or diease in your fish? I have found some but I really did not like any that well. Also what kind of treatment if any can I provide for the little guy. I really feel bad that he is sick. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
Are all your other fish acting normal?
It could be any number of things.From internal parasites to bacterial infections.
You might try QTing him and feeding medicated foods.Other than that,I have no idea.
What kind of medicated foods should I be looking to feed him? Yes Yote all the other fish are acting normally. The goby just floats along the top of the water thats all, but he can submerge he just rather stay at the surface lately for some reason. I think i am going to try to let him go tonight and tomorrow I will go out and get a QT tank for him.
I'd look for one thats supposed to be bacterial and fungal and try that first.
Check with the 2 Docs,I know they sale the medicated foods.You might even give em a phone call,They may be able to recommend something.
Well good news is that he recovered from what ever was ailing him. He returned to the bottom of the tank and he got his color back. I really have no idea what it was for him. Maybe some indigestion I dont know. Thanks for all the help.