sickly fish


The Great Tang Herder
I am also dealing with an ich or velvet problem. I have been treating my regal blue with garlic, he is still swimming but i havent seen him eat. I dont know what else to do. He is in my reef tank so it would be extremly hard to catch him. And i dont want to stress him any more then he is, any suggestions would be aprreciated.
why does it seem like regal tangs are more easily attacked by ich. He/she is the only one I really have trouble fighting off the illness
why does it seem like regal tangs are more easily attacked by ich. He/she is the only one I really have trouble fighting off the illness

tangs are notorius for getting ich
the yellow tang is the hardiest according to my reading up on them
The only Regal tangs that I've not seen get ick,are the dead regals.There just one of those fish that seem to get sick every time you look at em.
Just keep her some seaweed sheets in there and hope for the best.
If you can't catch the fish to medicate and quarantine him, there really isn't much you can do except try to get him eating. Garlic will help, but it's a waiting game at this point, sorry.
Below is a writeup I did for another post, it may be helpful to your situation. The first thing you need to do is determine what your fish have, one of the various forms of Ich or Brook (Brooklynella).

Read up on Brook and Ich. Brooklynella is a parasite that has very similar symptoms to Ich which includes Marine Velvet are also parasites. Brook is treated with Formalin and Ich is treated with copper. Some of the symptoms are rapid swimming, swimming at the top of the tank and gasping for air, fading color especially in the head area, sometimes spots on the body but not always, sometimes lesions on the body but not always. Slim on the body and head. Brook can take your fish especially if its stressed out in a matter of days, Ich takes a little longer but it too will kill. If one fish in your tank has either of these parasites then ALL of you fish have the parasite even if they exhibit no symptoms and have to be treated or eventually they will die. That means setting up a treatment tank with copper in it and giving them Formalin dips. The tank the fish came out of also has the parasite in it and all of the fish have to be removed from the tank for a six to eight week period to stop the life cycle of the Ich parasite or the "swimmers" of the Brook parasite. Ich eggs are in the bottom of your tank and can lay there dormant for up to six weeks. Brook "swimmers" are in your water and live for up to four weeks without a host. When Ich eggs hatch they have to find a fish host or they will die. After six to eight weeks the tank is safe for new occupants. Get on Google and read and read and read some more about these parasites and how to treat them and do it now before you lose all of your clowns and your other fish. Remember there is no one day cure, no one chemical cure; these parasites are difficult to get rid of so from now one, QT any new arrivals for at least 3 weeks or you may get stung again.
i use ozone and it seems to help i guess. Sometimes it still gets a few spots every once ina while. Ive had the fish for 7 months.
these tangs are especially prone to ich. I had one but will never get one because i think they need very large tanks. At least 6 feet to be ok. They get sick fast and i just dont think 75-100 glas are enough for these tangs.
+1 everyone.
I would like to add that I had major problems with every Tang I got -Purple, Blue Hippo, Yellow, Powder Blue, you name it! Then I got a supersized UV light and I swear I have had no fish problems since, except jumping out. That's what works for me.
There are nori sheets that also have garlic in them. Place them in the tank and see if you can get him to casually eat at it.