sinularia ?


Reefing newb
I recently moved my softies from a 76 watt CFB 14 gallon biocube to a 186 watt HQI 28 gallon JBJ. All my corals- a frogspawn, torch, candycane seem to have made the transition well, However I do have a bright green sinularia which seems to be spending most of its time with it's polyps retracted since the move. Color still looks great, Initially it seemed super happy when I first changed tanks , spreading out like a cactus. Now it looks like a swollen green balled up fist. It was at mid tank level but today I put it on the bottom in an area of increased current to see if it will help. Any thoughts?
Leathers are know to do that from time to time.Its a way for them to clean themselves of excess mucus.
Give it a day or 2.It'll probably be right back out and wide open.
Try to shade the leather in some way.Put it near the bottom and shaded by a cliff or something.If that isn't possible,use window screening or something to block some of the light.MH is really to intense lighting for leathers.