Skimmer Maintainence ???


Tiny Tank Club A+ Member
Just a quick question. When I do the maintainence on the CSS 65 should I also clean the MAIN water cyclinder ??? I have noticed ton of "crap" in the cyclinder. The skimmer is 4 months old and I do clean the pump monthly but never actually dump the cyclinder out and clean it ???

thanks in adavanced!!!
I clean mine out about once a month.But never touch the pump,except for where the air line connects to the venturi and the screen.
ok cool! Thanks I wasn't to sure because I seen a lot of junk in the body. But I will just leave it !!!
Thanks again
I know that this is totally different but in my seaclone that I had it would get these little white pod looking things growing in it and it would totally screw up performance so I would have to clean it. My new css 125 hasnt had a problem and have been running it for a month. So I guess if the performance is messing up go ahead but if not i wouldnt
I'd should of clarified,I don't clean the skimmer body but it's okay to do so.

In some cases,a clean skimmer body may take a few days to produce skimmate again.
I'm just reading my way through Delbeek & Sprung's 'The Reef Aquarium - Vol 1' - absolutely awsome book packed full of information. They have basically pulled together a wealth of research and added their experience about everything reef-keeping. It's taken me a while to get to reading it, but I highly recommend it!!! anyway, I just read a section on Protein Skimming and they recommend cleaning the cup & 'neck' about once a week. They also explain that it is very important to keep the body (inside) clean, recommending that you make sure a transparent one is not exposed to light to reduce the build up of algae etc on the inside & cleaning it once a month! I have never cleaned inside mine, and had put decreasing performance down to other things (pump etc)... I now plan to keep mine clean.
I clean the cup and necks once or twice a week depending on crud buildup, and I clean the body once a month at least. great question all. yes the sprung boods are very good. there are three and each one is very well done.
john thank you but I lost you right here ......"yes the sprung boods are very good. there are three and each one is very well done" ???? oHHHHH never mind John just realized what you were talking about !! thanks again
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