Skimmer Trouble


Reefing newb
This question has probably been asked before but couldnt find the answer by searching.

Ive just added a skimmer to my tank the other day and cleaned it out about an hour ago cause it was full of crap. I switched the skimmer back on after cleaning and now im getting a lot of water in the collection cup. ive turned the air and water inlet down to try and slow it down but doesnt seem to have worked.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
What kind of skimmer do you have? Did you put anything in the water, like water conditioner, medications, slime coat, stuff like that?
Its a Via Aqua Multiskimmer 2. Ive added nothing to the water it just went mad after i cleaned out the collection cup its starting to settle down.
it can take as long as two weeks for a skimmer to break in. Just keep an eye on it.
